SSA Bronze Badge Study Guide Q141-160

141) A positive control check:
a) Includes the pilot moving the control stick and observing the flight control element movement
b) Is completed during the annual inspection
c) Should be completed before the first flight of the day.

142) A critical assembly checklist should be:
a) Best completed by an aircraft inspector.
b) Completed by the owner of the glider.
c) Completed by another person familiar with the glider type.

143) Written and memorized checklists are best used:
a) As a to do list when performing, among others: pre-flight, pre-takeoff, & pre-landing.
b) As a handout to club members as a list for action items.
c) As confirmation that the act was completed.

144) Which of the following is not recommended for flight?
a) Rain on the wings when the air temperature is close to freezing.
b) Frost on the wings.
c) All of the above.

145) While hill soaring which of the following statements is true?
a) A glider wishing to overtake another should normally pass on its left side.
b) A glider wishing to overtake another should normally pass between it and the hill.
c) A glider wishing to overtake another should normally pass on its right side.

146) You are joining below a glider in a thermal. What are your actions?
a) Leave the thermal and find another.
b) Turn either direction as long as there is sufficient separation.
c) Turn in the same direction.

147) On arrival at a Class E airport, you call on the notified frequency but get no reply. Your radio is serviceable, what should your actions be?
a) Land anyway, regardless of no radio contact.
b) Land outside the boundary as the airfield is probably closed.
c) Continue with intended landing, watch for other traffic and follow suit, make relevant 'blind calls' on the radio.

148) While flying downwind with a higher performance glider in front, and at about the same height as yourself, you notice it appears to be extending downwind further than you would like. What action should you take?
a) Follow the other glider and use less airbrake on the approach.
b) Ignore the other glider and fly your own circuit.
c) Turn in early and be prepared to land up the field or taxi to one side if necessary in order to avoid a potential conflict.

149) After getting low on a cross country and choosing a field, you notice there is a stream along one side of it. What might this signify?
a) The field slopes down towards the stream.
b) The field slopes up towards the stream.
c) The field will be very soft; therefore the landing run will be short.

150) On a cross-country flight in August you are faced with an out landing. Assuming no obstructions and fields of adequate size, which of the following would be the best choice?
a) A field with cows in one corner.
b) A field with sheep in one corner.
c) A stubble (recently harvested) field with a border plowed around it.

151) You are about to land out. Which of the following is the best option, when the only suitable field has a slope in it, and the wind is up the slope?
a) Land down hill, into wind.
b) Land across the slope, and cross wind.
c) Land up hill, down wind.

152) What actions should be taken when flying through an area of sink?

a) Slow down so as to reduce the rate of descent.
b) Increase speed so as to spend as little time in the sink as possible.
c) Continue as normal because the lift on the other side of the sink will compensate for the height loss.

153) When keeping a good lookout, how is the most effective scanning achieved?
a) A series of short, regularly spaced, eye movements, progressing across the field of view.
b) Rapidly and smoothly sweeping the entire field of view.
c) A random scan of the most likely areas of conflicting traffic.

154) You are about to join a thermal with two gliders circling in opposite directions. Which way do you turn?
a) Same direction as the higher glider.
b) Same direction as the lower glider.
c) Same direction as the closer glider.

155) You are about to land, as there is thunderstorm activity near by. What should you particularly be aware of?
a) Lightning flashes which may blind temporarily.
b) Rapid changes in wind strength and direction.
c) Reducing visibility due to low cloud base.

156) While in a straight glide, you notice another glider on your right at about the same height. The bearing relative to you is remaining constant and the separation is reducing. What actions should you take?
a) None, as you have right of way.
b) Take avoiding action as the other glider has right of way.
c) Wait to see what develops but be prepared to take avoiding action.

157) A pilot is faced with a field landing into a slightly down-sloping field. What is most likely to happen?
a) A shallower approach than intended will be flown.
b) A normal approach will be flown, as intended.
c) A steeper approach than normal will be flown.

158) On returning to your home airfield after a long flight, you are alerted on the radio of a strong wind gradient. What should you do?
a) Expect heavy sink on the approach.
b) Increase airspeed well above the normal and be prepared for a rapid reduction in airspeed close to the ground.
c) All of the above.

159) You are climbing in good wave lift, but your glider is not equipped with oxygen. Assuming you are in good health, what height is it recommended you should abandon your climb?
a) 12,000 feet.
b) 10,000 feet.
c) 8,000 feet.

160) While on a cross-country flight, you are continually correcting your heading to the right in order to reach your goal. What might this signify?
a) The wind is from the right of track.
b) The wind is from the left of track.
c) There is probably a magnetic anomaly affecting the compass.

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