Accident Prevention Articles
THE SSF ACCIDENT PREVENTION SERIES - A continuing series of Back-To-Basics articles for using on accident prevention.
- Sailplane Transponders - This is an updated version of the transponder
article Eric Greenwell wrote for Soaring (reprinted by permission). Learn if you should install
a transponder in your glider and which transponders are suitable for use in a sailplane. Note: posted 2/15/10 ver. 2010-B
- Premature Terminations of the Tow - Learn how to prevent a leading
cause of fatal glider accidents.
- Ten Steps to Safer Soaring - 10 easy steps to keep you safe.
- Current vs. Proficient - You might be legal, but are you safe?
Standard Cirrus Tailplane - A link to the Standard Cirrus Web Site. This site contains a detailed discussion on the Standard Cirrus Tailplane assembly by Jim Hendrix. The discussion includes assembly procedures, comments, cautions, checks and a worst case scenario. This should be of interest to all Standard Cirrus Pilots! Go there.
COLLISION AVOIDANCE - A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE - Click to download (PDF format, Acrobat reader needed.)