Monthly Soaring Magazine Articles
(Click on Year to view paragraph summaries)
January - First Flight Follies by Stephen Dee, SSF Trustee, CFIG, DPE
February - Renew your CFI with WINGS by Bill Palmer
March - An Open and Shut Case by Tom Johnson
April - 2023 Soaring Accident Summary by Soaring Safety Foundation Trustees
May - Notes from the December 2023 OSTIV TSP Meeting by Richard Carlson - SSF Chairman
June - A Big Enough Blanket by Tom Johnson
July - FAA Practical Test Standard Updates By Tony Condon
August - Stall Speed? by Bill Palmer
September - What are your stresses? by By Tom Johnson - SSF Trustee
October - Your Soaring Safety Foundation - Convention Experience by SSF Trustees and Advisors
November - Do You Take Safety Personally? by Tom Johnson
December - Keeping Up with the Jones (FAA's Changes) by Richard Carlson - SSF Chairman
January - First Flight 2023 by Bill Palmer
February - THE FEAR OF--- by Pat Costello, SSA Insurance Administrator
March - Emergency Plan…Check by Bill Palmer
April - 2022 Soaring Accident Summary by Soaring Safety Foundation Trustees
May - What's Your MESA? by Ron Ridenour
June - The Soaring Mythbusters? by Tom Johnson
July - Abnormal Occurences on the Checkride and Beyond By Tony Condon
August - What's Going On! by Richard Carlson - SSF Chairman
September - Soaring Safety Foundation Activities Update by SSF Trustees and Advisors
October - Keep the Pedal to the Metal by Tom Johnson
November - Getting Ideas by Tom Johnson
December - What do you mean that changed? by Richard Carlson - SSF Chairman
January - The Possible Turn by Richard Carlson - SSF Chairman
February - 2022 SSA Convention Activities
March - Covid Corrosion. (Rusty Pilot? That's Me!) by Burt Compton
April - 2021 Soaring Accident Summary by Soaring Safety Foundation Trustees
May - Gliders and Checklists by Bill Palmer
June - The Possible Turn? by Tom Johnson
July - The Positive Flight Review By Richard Carlson - SSF Chairman
August - The FAA Safety Team Website by Glenn Collins - SSF Advisor
September - WINGS - The FAA's Pilot Proficiency Program by Richard Carlson - SSF Chairman
October - A Great In-Vest-Ment by Tom Johnson
November - Mission Impossible by Tom Johnson
December - Early Motorgliding in the USA by Stephen Dee
January - The Accident I Never Had by Ron Ridenour
February - The Expected Wave-Off by Richard Carlson
March - Heartache Avoidance 101 by Tom Johnson
April - 2020 Soaring Accident Summary by Soaring Safety Foundation Trustees
May - Be Proactive in Evaluating your Pilot Risk by Ron Ridenour
June - There I Was by Tom Dixon
July - Loss of Control as a factor of Aerotow Takeoff Accidents By Ron Ridenour
August - The Hard Deck: Its Time Has Come by Tom Johnson
September - I was taught to... by Richard Carlson
October - My Towplane Engine Failure by Burt Compton
November - A Breath of Fresh Air by Stephen Dee
December - What's in Your Wallet? by Tom Johnson
January - First Flight – A great way to start a new Decade by Richard Carlson
February - Surviving a Ramp Inspection by Stephen Dee
March - Soaring Site Observations: The Good the Bad and the Ugly bys Burt Compton
April - 2019 Soaring Accident Summary by Soaring Safety Foundation Trustees
May - Proactive Safety Program by Richard Carlson
July - CoVID 19 and You by Tom Johnson
August - Let’s Go Fly a Kite? by Tom Johnson
September - Whack-a-Mole, Glider Style by Tom Johnson
October - Scenario Based Training by Ron Ridenour
November - Let’s NOT go Fly a Kite by Glenn Collins
December - There I was... by Stephen Dee
January - 3-2-1-Done by Tom Johnson
February - Scanning – to look for information by Richard Carlson and Marion Griffith
March - Beware - The Ides of March by Ron Ridenour
April - Annual Soaring Safety Foundation Safety Summary by Soaring Safety Foundation Trustees
May - Model Building in the Soaring World by Tom Johnson
June - Distractions in the Cockpit by Ron Ridenour
July - Normalization of Deviance by Robert Wander
August - Normalization of Deviance Part Two by Ron Ridenour
September - Checklist, Checklist, Checklist! by Tom Johnson
October - I know that runway is around here somewhere by Richard Carlson
November - Premature Termination of the Launch by Stephen Dee
December - The Tow Goes On by Tom Johnson
January - Really, are you kidding me? by Ron Ridenour
February - Gliding Turns by Ron Ridenour
March - Stalls and the Glider Pilot by Stephen Dee
April - Annual Soaring Safety Foundation Safety Summary by Soaring Safety Foundation Trustees
May - Glider Accident Rates – Validating the Estimates by Richard Carlson
June - The Anatomy of a Steep Turn by Ron Ridenour
July - Intentional Spins Encouraged by Tom Johnson
August - Glider Landing – The Goal Oriented Approach by Richard Carlson
September - We're Almost There by Tom Johnson, Ron Ridenour, Burt Compton, Richard Carlson
October - Landing - The Last 100 Feet by Stephen Dee
November - Taking Stock by Tom Johnson
December - Don't Crash. Really? by Tom Johnson
January - Avoiding First Flight of the Year Blues by Stephen Dee
February - The "Remote" SSA Instructor Bronze Badge Process by Richard Carlson
March - Just Say No by Tom Johnson
April - Annual Soaring Safety Foundation Safety Summary by SSF Trustees
May - Punching Above our Weight by Rich Carlson
June - You Can See a lot by Watching by Tom Johnson
July - More is Better? by Tom Johnson
September - The Basics of Flying a Glider in Aerotow by Ron Ridenour
October - Towpilot and Glider Pilot Communications by Burt Compton
November - Self-Launching by Stephen Dee
December - Basic Gliding - 103: Straight and Level Flight by Richard Carlson
January - Scenario Based Training by SSF Trustees
February - Scenario Based Training – A Practical Demonstration by Richard Carlson
March - Check-out Time Again by Tom Johnson
April - Annual Soaring Safety Foundation Safety Summary by SSF Trustees
May - Towpilot Currency and Proficiency by Burt Compton
June - Towing Gliders is Easy by Tom Johnson
July - Safety Through Training by Richard Carlson
August - Safety Management by Tom Johnson
September - FAQ's: Stalls by Tom Johnson
October - Teaching Stalls and Spins by Richard Carlson
November - AIRSPEED! by Richard Carlson
December - Preventing Rollout Accidents by Burt Compton
January - First Flight by SSF Trustees
February - Exciting Losses by Pat Costello
March - Check-out Time Again by Tom Johnson
April - Annual Soaring Safety Foundation Safety Summary by SSF Trustees
May - Training AND Safety, the SSF mission by Richard Carlson
June - Approach Speed Recalculated by Ron Ridenour
July - It's Time to Go by Tom Johnson
August - Cause and Effect by Richard Carlson
September - Glider Accidents that have happened before... by Ron Ridenour
October - Scenario Based Training by Tom Johnson
November - Aeronautical Decision Making by Stephen Dee
December - Scenario Based Training by Tom Johnson
April - Annual Soaring Safety Foundation Safety Summary by SSF Trustees
May - THE VALUE OF CLUB MANAGEMENT by Pat Costello and Burt Compton
June - The dreaded Stall/Spin Accident by Richard Carlson
July - Three strikes and your out! by Richard Carlson
September - That Was Stupid by Tom Johnson
October - Taking A Look at "Powered Gliders" and the ASA by Stephen Dee
November - Stamping out the low-slow approach by Richard Carlson
December - Introducing Risk by Tom Johnson
April - Annual Soaring Safety Foundation Safety Summary by SSF Trustees
January - The Three Cs by Gene Hammond
February - First Flight Guide for Instructors and Trainees by Stephen Dee
March - Hooray, It's Spring by Gene Hammond
April - Soaring Safety Foundation Annual Safety Summary Report FY08 by SSF Trustees
May - Planning for a PT3 Event by Richard Carlson
June - Preventing Rollout Accidents by Burt Compton and Pat Costello
July - Aerotow Signals - Do you know what's going on? by Richard Carlson
August - The Value of Club Management by Burt Compton and Pat Costello
September - Winches - Pay Attention by Bernald Smith
October - Paper Pilot Certificates by Burt Compton
November - But that's not what I thought you said ... by Gene Hammond (Reprint)
December - Gotcha! Lesser-Known FAA Regulations for Glider Pilots and Towpilots by Burt Compton
January - Recurrent Training by Bob Wander
February - Winch launching revisited by Bernald Smith
March - Density Altitude Dilemmas by Stephen Dee
April - 2007 Soaring Safety Report - Executive Summary by Rich Carlson
May - Things to Consider - ICU by Bernald Smith
June - Ground Launching, A New Idea? by Gene Hammond
July - Airspace in the New Century - Revisited by Richard Carlson
August - Some Things Never Change by Gene Hammond
September - Woodworking 102 by PIC of incident
October - Getting it right the First Time by Stephen Dee
November - Saftey Officer - A Job Description and Training Guide by Burt Compton
December - WHY? by Bernald Smith
January - Starting the Year off Right by Gene Hammond
February - 100 of us will have Accidents in 2007! WHO? by Bernald Smith
March - Emergency Response Plan, Suggestions for Soaring Sites by Burt Compton
April - Soaring Accident Rates by Rich Carlson
May - Four Simple Steps to Improve your Proficiency by Rich Carlson
June - Three C's Promote Safety - SSF Safety article reprint
July - Avoiding Surprises! Motorglider Safety Tips by Stephen Dee
August - Risk Management Tools for Soaring Pilots by Mike Bamberg
September - Ground Non-Flight Damage. Is Your Canopy Insured? by Bernald Smith
October - Motorglider Certification and Training by Stephen Dee
November - Which Approach by Richard Carlson
December - Last Flight by Bernald Smith
January - Time to Stop Flying? by Bernald Smith
February - Bad News by Bernald Smith and Gene Hammond
March - Keep your eyes on the Goal by Rich Carlson
June - Nothing published
July - Nothing published
September - Current or Proficient by Rich Carlson
October - What happened to my 50:1 Glider? by Eric Greenwell
November - Winch Launching by Bernald Smith
December - Potential Hazard Training by Bernald Smith